Saturday, May 2, 2009

Catching up!! LONG BLOG!!!

Hey guys Happy Easter again!!!
We have been so busy so we have not been blogging!! Jessica has been on Vacation hanging with her parents!! Jessica and her husband Radu renewed their vows this past week!! They looked so cute, it was awesome!! The pictures will be up soon you will love them!!!
Jessica and Radu……. I love this shot so much!! They are so great in front of the camera!!

As for me…….My daughter had her tonsils and adenoids out! It was stressful but it is over!! Everyone kept telling us it will be alright ,it is a fast operation………But surgery, three year old, anesthesia, AWW freaks me out!! Praise the Lord she is doing great and recovered so fast!! She is doing so much better!!
Maissa after surgery!! She had so many toys!! It took us two carts to get them in the car!! My sweet girl was so happy with all the family there! When she woke up she said, “ Mom bring me my family! “

As for Easter we had a great time!! We went to the Fort Worth Stockyards! We have gone there to do shoots before but I had never been there just for fun!! We had a fun time there, so much stuff to do there on Easter! They had Easter egg hunts, pony rides, games, petting zoo, and so much more!!!

Here are some pictures of Maissa coloring some Easter eggs!!

Her favorite part was the tiny pony named, Itty Bitty!! The cattle run was really cool to see!

Here are some fun pics of Maissa posing with her hot pink boots with lights!!


Mrs.Lover Lover said...

she is so cute!

Tanya Perez said...

You looked GORGEOUS! Congrats.

Brad Shull said...

Wow! Love them all. The last few of your daughter are really great!

Mariah said...

Those are great! I LOVE her pink boots!

Jessica and Radu look so happy and I LOVE Jessica's birdcage veil! So beautiful!

Desi said...

She is gorgeous!!!It looks like she had so much fun in Ft Worth!!!

wigknee20 said...

She is the cutest just like her dad..oh wait that is me...poor kid. My daughter wants to play golf but not sure if she is left or right handed. She uses both equally and I want to get her first set of clubs.

alex.kruk photography said...

Pink boots ... I love them ! I want one pair like that :)


Beautiful pictures !

Izzy said...

has been taking modeling lessons from Zoe!! LOL.. SOO CUTE!! I love the boots!!

PJSL said...

Vanessa, how is your daughter doing? I had my tonsils and adenoids taken out when I ws around6 or 8 and that was the best thing I could of done. I was hardly ever sick or ever had allergy issues after that. I hope this makes everything better. She is so cute!